3 game theory tactics, explained

'Game theory' is a mathematical theory. that attempts to make sense of how it is. that people interact inthese strategic situations. John von Neumann-based game theory on a stripped down version of poker. Everything we try to do, you know,. 'Should we take this route or that route?'. 'Should I go here on vacation or there?'. It's all about dealing with uncertainties. and probabilities of things happening-. and poker is a very fun and easy way. to teach someone how to do that. First rule of thumb is howto extract the most money. Second rule is how to extract the least amount of money. Third rule is to try to make the best decision in any given moment,. and that's so integral to life. And by thinking abouteverything in that way,. we oftentimes transformsomething that seems. like a situation wherethere has to be a winner. and there has to been a loser,. into one where nobodyfeels like they've lost. and everybody benefits.. - John vonNeumann- based game theory. on a reduced version of Poker. In any given pokersituation that you're dealing with a lot of uncertainty, and it's all. about howto make thebest decision. in anyGiven moment-. and that’s all about how to make a best decision. In the Cold War,. which most people thought,. that's gotta be a zero-sumgame if anything is,. we discovered that actuallythere were opportunities for mutual cooperation.. Arms reduction treatiesare a great example.. The U.S. and the USSR figured out that if they could finda way to cooperate,. they could both save an enormousamount of money and effort by reducing the number of weapons that they had. The process of taking a big interaction. and breaking it downinto little small parts. can change a bad social dilemma into a positive interaction. - What I think almost everyonecan do in their personal life,. is totry and think,. 'In this interaction,. what outcome would begood for both parties?'. And, 'How can we achieve that outcome?' And, ‘How can I get the best out of my interactions with my friends and family?’ - That's what I try and do in my personal life. I try to get the most out of every interaction I have with my family and friends,. and I think I do a pretty good job of it. - I think it's a good idea to try and think, 'What would be the best outcome for me and my family?' and then try to work out a way to achieve that. - If you want to improve your relationship with your family and your friends, you have to work together to achieve your goals. - You have to be willing to make compromises and work together in order to get what you want. - It's not always easy, but it's worth it. It's a long way from being able to say, 'I'm going to do what I want because I want to do it, not because I'm afraid I'm not going to get it, but because I don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings or get it my way, and I'm willing to work hard for it.' - I'm trying to do the best I can,. given what I'm doing, to achieve what I think is best for my family, my friends, my colleagues, my country, my career, my life, and my country. - This process of breaking things down into little tiny parts can help you get to the root of the problem. It can also help you understand how to solve problems in a way that's more effective than one way or another. - In the case of nuclear weapons, the key is to break down the interaction into a bunch of little tiny ones, so that you don't have to go through the whole process of eliminating them all in one go. - The Cold War was an example of how to break up the interaction in a big way. The USSR would eliminate just a few nuclear weapons,. then the U.K. would eliminate a few more,. and then they would go on to the next stage.. And then each would eliminate more, and they'd go on. to thenext stage.