How Dieting Could Reprogram Your DNA

The FDA's food pyramid is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Nutrigenomics and personalized nutrition throws the idea of a dietworking for anyone out the window. Nutrients essentially help the molecular machinery that can make genetic switches easier or harder to turn on or off. Methionene can be used to add a little tag to genetic switches or even to even the blueprint to the genetic blueprint for humans and mice. The queen bee and the worker bee are genetically identical organisms, but the food they eat is completely different when they're larva to larva. And their anatomy determines their anatomy for the rest of their lives. But bees are not humans, not humans are bees, and they don't have any offspring,and they only live for a few weeks. They eat food called Royal Jelly, which they mostly eat on the other hand, and it makes it harder for the genes to be turned on and harder to be harder on the amino acid, methionene, which is the key to genetic dials in mice and humans and helps to shape the blueprint for the blueprint that drives all life. It's in our. genes to want to eat. What we eat is extremely importantfor our wellness, for our. well-being. For our longevity, and not just ours,but those of our families, too. And so. we want to make surethat the food choices that we make every daysupport health rather than put us on a path to disease. And that's. because we are all so different. And we have about 25,000 genes, but. in our brain cells, a set of genes are on and aSet of genes. are off. The genome, and looking at our DNA is really kind of what puts us aside from someone else and says, gosh, I'm more at risk for this, or I would do better lifting weightsthan I would running a marathon. So that's where our DNA. plays a role. And is there a possibility say, of giving people foods that are going to affect those favorably? We don't know the answer, but we can try to find a way to make our lifestyle a little bit better, a little better, and a little less stressful for our kids, and for our families as well. We are very similar. But if we look at those little. outliersoutside of where we are similar, we have so many thingsthat make us different. The idea of. personalized nutrition is that we can discover what diet works best for our genes. It really looks at. us as the individual. But there is this whole other. side of food that is much more intimately connectedwith our biology, and that is the ability of nutrientsto essentially inform and shape our genome,the blueprint that drive all life, and so on. It can be found, of all places, in a beehive. And you might not know that actually the queen and the queenare genetically identical organism, and the food that actually shapes them into. the life forms when they eat it is actually the larva and the pollen. And what you eat can be a completely different form of food when you're a larva or the pollen that they get on theOther hand, she's a worker bee, she eats this food that they're mostly eating when they get this food and they're developing their anatomy. And it's in their genes to eat this food... And what this food does, essentially, is essentially what makes it hard for the genetic switchesor even to turn it on and off for the human body. And those nutrients we consume can switchcertain genes on or on. That can control how much light you have, whether it's on oroffor. whether it’s dial up or down. And this is where our genetic switches are very similarto the switches of light in. your room. So the genetic switch can control whether you want to turn the light on or down, whether you're going to have more or less light in your room, or whether you’re going to be able to sleep well at night, or have more energy in the morning, or be more active in the afternoon, or more of a good night's sleep, or less of a day, or a better day in the evening. That's what we're trying to do. We want to find out the answer to that question, and we're looking for ways to help our kids grow up and have an easier time structure their lifestyle. We're looking at how to help them grow up in a way that makes them healthier and a better life for themselves and their families. We don’t know the answers to that. We’ve been trying to figure out how to make their lifestyle a better one. We have a lot of different ways to make it a little easier to structure their lifestyles. We hope to help you grow a better, healthier, more fulfilling life for your family and for your kids. We also want to help your family.