How Spain is Turning it's Deserts into a Farmland Oasis - GREENING THE DESERT PROJECT

spain is home to mainland europe's only desert situated on the southern eastern part of. the iberian peninsula bordering with france in the north portugal to the west and mainland. africa to the south spain spans across 500 000 kilometers squared which is comparable to. the u.s state of california in size. scientific research suggests that spain is said. to become completely desertified in the next 80 years right now 31.5 percent of spain. is already affected by desertification and 18 is at high risk of becoming irreversibly desert. spain has been making some remarkable restoration developments turning large areas suffering from desertification into. fertile land this transformation is a major accomplishment considering spain semi-arid regions only receive 11. inches of rainfall per year in today's video we're going to tell you how and. why spain is turning its deserts into biodiverse ecosystems and fertile farmlands so stick with. us and let's dive intoToday's video in this episode of our regreening the desert. series we will be exploring one of  spain's many remarkable restoration projects to re-green the. desert and turn it back into fertile land. i decided to go and take a look for myself. to see the improvements and the techniques that have been used firsthand as i entered the most exposed and harsh conditions this is the very front line where there is only pure sand and. then the sea there were some small clumps of native sand dune grasses growing here. and i found many clumping of grasses that had been mulching down and degrading over. several years incredibly creating its own topsoil the soil was moist to touch and it was obviously capturing and holding water even in this extremely harsh environment it's even moist and there. i found the sand dunes which have shown a considerable improvement in recent years and have restored coastal. forests and farmland since so i decided  to go to see  the vegetation growing in the most  exposed and. harsh conditions. i first wanted to inspect the vegetationgrowing in themost exposed and harsh conditions to see the improvements and the techniques that have  been used to turn the desert into a biodiverse ecosystem and a more  biodiverse landscape. I found the grasses and grasses which had been  mulched down and degrading over the years incredibly creating its own topsoil and capturing and holding water even in this extremely harsh environment it was moist and there were some small clumps of grasses that were growing here. i found the sand dunes which have shown an. important purpose by protecting inland areas from high energy storms and act as a resilient. barrier to the destructive forces of wind and waves. I also found the dunes that were able to absorb. the impact and protect inland areas of high energy storms and act as a resilient  barrier to the destructive forces of wind and waves. i visited the beach where there are some small clumps of native sand dunes growing here and i found the sand mushrooms that had been Mulching down and degrading over. several years. i wanted to inspect the dunes near barcelona airport and by 2019 it had expanded its initiative countrywide. by using a very simple and cost-effective technique a report was published last year analyzing. the dune re-greening in recent years. i went to the beach to see some of the  improvements and to see the improved vegetation growing in the most exposed areas of the country. i also found a small clump of native sand dune  grasses growing here which had been mulching down and degrading over several years and was obviously capturing and holding water even in this extremely harsh environment it's actually moist and there.